MelFit 6 Week Shred ©

I am so excited to introduce my MelFit 6 Week Shred! There are many reasons I created this plan. I just want to start out with using the analogy that there is truly no “ceiling” when it comes to your health and fitness. You can keep learning, getting stronger, and improving your body for the rest of your life. The sky is the limit.
I wanted to develop Nutritional Plans for all health and fitness levels. I am going to give you a thorough explanation of how this program is set up and what you can expect.

Beginner- 8 Week Just Start Program
Intermediate- 12 Week MelFit Bootcamp
Advanced- MelFit 6 Week Shred

I highly recommend you go through my plans in this order. You have to crawl before you walk and walk before you run. You can’t expect to “start” at an advanced level. I have no secrets. I am very transparent. If you choose a plan that you are not ready for, that is on you. Anyone can message me and ask me where I think they should start and I will give you my professional opinion. I am not trying to exclude anyone, I am just setting you up for success.

Here is what I consider ADVANCED-

  • Someone that has been doing at LEAST 5 MelFit 25 workouts a week consistently or 5 workouts using weights
  • Is at a healthy body weight
  • Wants to lose excess body fat and lean out enough to see their muscles
  • Has gone though the 12 week bootcamp and has mastered food prepping or has general knowledge of food prepping
  • Can follow a plan and not stray from it
  • Is Coachable and willing to give the plan 100% for 6 weeks

If you think you are a good candidate for my MelFit 6 Week Shred, then let’s get started! I am excited for you to push your body to a limit that you never thought possible. You'll be amazed how different you'll and feel after completion. As always, I will require your before picture and measurements to be sent through the APP prior to starting. We will also make sure you are added to our Private Facebook Group so you can connect with likeminded people. The workouts will require more equipment than the MelFit 25 workouts.



Your first name

Your last name

Your actual email

Your phone number

MelFit Coaching